In putting together this site, certain mysteries remain to be solved
which rounding up the usual suspects has not revealed. If you can clear
away the mist in any of these cases, click on the Comments link at the
bottom and send me the information.
- Two pairs of lenses--the Anastigmat 103mm f /4.5 and Anastigmat Special
101 f /4.5 and the Anastigmat 103mm f /4.5 and Anastigmat Special 101
f /4.5--look to have identical designs in the Kodak Reference Handbook.
and Kodak Data Book: Lenses and Shutters, Third Ed. What was special
about the Special?
- Why did Kodak never introduce a rangefinder version of the Tourist
or Monitor as a domestic companion to the Regents that the Nagelwerke
had produced for Europe?
- When did Kodak begin hardcoating (Lumenizing) lenses? Did this occur
across all premium lenses or was coating done selectively at first?