Shen-Hao HZX 4X5-IIA
The Shen-Hao is above
average for entry level 4 x 5 wooden field cameras from SE Asia in the
$600-800 range. Rise/fall, swing and base tilt on the front standard;
rise, swing and both base and center tilt on the back. Double-extension
bellows. Shen-Hao offers several interesting accessories: a reflex finder,
tandem focusing/rollback plate, and an interchangeable bag bellows.
Basic camera is about 4 pounds and $625.
US Importer

Horseman Woodman 45
A cherry wood camera
with features similar to the Tachihara, but with an intenational G back
that accepts most rollholders. About 3 pounds and $900 without lens board.


The Japanese Tachihara
is made from seasoned cherry, is about 3.5 pounds and accepts Linhof lens
boards. It has a spring back and movements that are similar to others
of this design--front swing, tilt, shift and rise/fall, back swing and
tilt. Recommended for wide angle work because of flexible bellows. About
US Importer

were early field cameras from Japan with cherry frames and plated hardware.
By current standards they had limited movements, but were very light
and well constructed for their weight. They are occassionally available
on the used market, but fetch prices similar to those for the Shen-Hao's
and Tachihara.

Wista 45DX
Wistas are made from seasoned
cherry with finely spaced finger joints; other woods available. Several
back configurations are available, including a G. Swings and tilts on
both standards, rise/fall on front. Lacquered brass fittings. About
4 pounds and $1200.

a general design similar to the Shen-Hao's the $2400 Ebony S illustrates
what can be done with fancier woods--ebony heartwood--assembled more rigidly,
better machined metal fittings (titanium) and better bellows. About 4