Issues. There are two considerations that most small format
photographers are ill-equiped to deal with because they typically
don't occur in small camera operation--camera "movements"
and how these influence lens and body design. Before discussing specific
large format designs, it is important to have at least a limited understanding
of several issues that arise from movements of different parts of
the camera. |
With just a few exceptions, all 35mm, medium format and digital cameras
have fixed film and lens planes--the only movement possible is focusing--moving
the lens closer to or farther from the film. While you can get major
benefits from large format photography simply by shooting with cameras
that use larger film, most large format designs also provide added
flexibility to change the lens planes relative to the subject
plane and some also allow changing of the film planes relative
to the subject plane. These movements allow the large format photographer
to compensate for kinds of perspective distortion and to manipulate
more effectively the field of "acceptable" sharpness of
focus. |
Control. Perspective distortion
is frequently inherent in the positions from which our cameras view
objects--objects with parallel sides instead appear with converging
lines. You might want to use this distortion to convey a sense of
depth or height, but in many cases it is seen as the photograph rendering
objects in an unnatural way. Movable lens standards and movable film
backs allow you to record objects in the way that seems more natural
to human perception. In
this series of movements, both standards remain parallel with each
other, but can be moved up (rise), down (fall) or to either side (shift).
These movements help prevent changes the shape of the objects through
having to unnaturally tilt the camera. They increase or decrease the
convergence of naturally occurring parallel lines. In the figure to
the right, the green rectangle represents the film gate on the rear
standard; the white rectangle with the doughnut is the front lens
standard. |

view of a camera with a front lens standard that supports rise/fall
and shift.
for an animated version
Things in Focus.
A second kind of movement allows one or both standards to move as
if they were mounted in a gimbal. This changes their relation to
each other from one of being parallel to one of being at oblique
angles. This affects how the phenomenon of depth of field is applied
in using focus to further our creative intentions.
With the film back and lens
in their normal positions, the zone of sharp focus is between two
lines that are parallel with the film back, but in many cases the
objects that we want in sharp focus are not all equidistant from
the film back. For example, they might arrange themselves on a plane
that was on a diagonal to the film plane. With the lens and film
back in standard position the zone of sharp focus exists between
the two yellow lines. What we really want, in this case, is to create
a zone of sharp focus between the two diagonal red lines. If we
swing the either the lens or the back on its vertical axis, we can
change the plane of focus to the red area and keep all three objects
and the background in focus. The same kind of adjustment can be
made for objects at different distances from the film plane as they
arrange themselves "above" and "below" each
other in the frame ; this uses the tilt adjustment on the lens and/or
film standard.
As most of the camera designs
discussed in this site support at least some movements to control
perspective and plane of focus, you may want to consider the degree
to which different large format designs and specific makes and models
support different kinds of lens and film plane movements.
Here is a page with more information about camera movements.

Except for the 6x6 format, most cameras use rectangular formats--one
dimension is longer than the other. We exploit this difference by
shooting landscapes in landscape (horizontal) orientation and tall
buildings in portrait (vertical) orientation. With cameras with
fixed film planes and lens mountings, we simply turn the entire
camera--lens and film plane--90° to change the orientation.
When the camera design supports movable front and rear standards--where
we are changing the shape of the camera by adjusting it--changing
the orientation of the frame relative to the subject gets more complicated.
Many large format view cameras have either a rotating back--the
film gate rotates 360° in the film plane--or a reversible back--the
back can be removed, turned 90°, then reattached to the camera
body .
Many older press cameras can do neither, which limits their usefulness
to control perspective and plane of focus.
coverage. Shopping for large format lenses is a little different
than shopping for lenses for your Canon EOS. First, with most large
format lenses there is generally no automation. Some lenses boast
automatic shutter cocking. but many are cocked manually with a separate
cocking lever on the shutter. With the use of perspective control,
another optical performance parameter takes on importance--coverage.
Different lens designs, even of the same focal length, can project
larger or smaller circles of illumination on the focal plane. A
camera designer must use a lens whose circle of coverage is as large
or larger than the diagonal of the format. Because there are design
and manufacturing tradeoffs in providing larger coverage, lenses
for cameras without perspective control often have coverage that
is just adequate--the top diagram below. |
works fine as long as the lens stays put, but when you begin shifting
the front and rear standards, the circle of illumination begins
to move on the back standard. Unless the circle of coverage is larger
than the film frame--middle diagram--shifting the circle will cut
off part of the image as seen by the film. This is a particular
problem with short lenses, so a significant part of the design cost
for large format wide view lenses is in maximizing the size of their
coverage. Further, there are usually tradeoffs for the photographer;
increasing coverage usually means increasing size and weight of
the lens.
When shopping for a large
format lens, know the diagonal of your image frame ( 4 x 5 is 162mm)
and buy lenses that have at least that coverage circle. The more
you expect to use movements, the larger the image circle must be.
The bottom illustration helps you visualize how this would be approached
when considering the effects of rise and fall of the image within
the circle of illumination.
Most manufacturers of large
format lenses publish coverage circles in their specs. Michael Gudzinowicz
has saved the rest of us a lot of work by compiling lens specs for
many large format lenses. This is published on graflex.org .
I have published data from the Kodak Data books about Ektar lenses
T1 |