first "press" type cameras were simple design extensions
of the late 19th cy "hand cameras"-- more portable cameras,
like the Folding Kodak cameras. Press cameras inherited a self-enclosing
case with a fold down front on which was mounted a focusing rail that
supported a front lens standard connected to the case by a pleated
bellows. The evolution of press cameras benefitted from the development
of other materials, but the functional design was similar for half
a century.
While "view camera"
is sometimes used more restrictedly, here I am using it to mean any
camera that uses at least 4 x 5 inch film and that supports composition
and focusing on groundglass. The definition could even be bent to
include 6 x 9 cm designs that meet these criteria. It's only a guess,
but I would venture that collectively better than 95% of photographs
made by the cameras on this page were composed and focused using their
eye-level viewfinders and rangefinders. Still, most have the basic
features found in technical, field and monorail designs.
The press design succeeded
because the case protected the inner components as the camera was
being transported and to a degree, when it was setup. At about five
pounds, it was reasonably light and with a supplementary rangefinder
and eye-level viewfinder, it could be used for quick shots that would
still preserve image quality. Virtually all press cameras retained
the groundglass focusing feature that they inherited and have some
movements on their front standards, though these are often limited
by type and range. Though most 4 x 5 press cameras are at least 30
years old, they are sturdy, plentiful and affordable. Most have at
least reasonable quality interchangeable lenses, and some are very
good. All of these qualities make them attractive as entry-level large
format cameras, which they can be if you understand their limitations.
Most press cameras had
rangefinders, which are optical/mechanical devices used to focus the
lens. While virtually all press cameras have interchangeable lenses,
to focus these lenses with a rangefiner, each length requires changing
a focusing cam and focusing cams are often much more difficult to
obtain than the lenses they support. This is not of much importance
if you plan to focus lenses on groundglass. While "serious"
photographers may eschew rangefinders and viewfinders, these are sometime
convenient as alternate aids to composition. You may want to consider
their usefulness when making buying decisions.
While a well-preserved
press camera with an equivalent lens might make negatives that are
indistinguishable from those made with a $1000 technical camera, it
almost certainly won't provide the flexibility of the latter with
regard to the technical's ability to more fully deal with perspective
control and to selectively control the plane of focus which the technical
camera supports with front and back standards movements The degree
to which this is likely to be a problem will depend on your interest
in using movements .
Most press cameras allow
some movements on the front standard and none on the back. Later models
typically allow more movements and greater ranges of movements. Most
press cameras have front rise and allow front fall by dropping the
bed, but this adjustment also requires using all of the available
backward tilt to reorient the lens board so that it is parallel with
the case. Similarly by adjusting the tripod head so that the case
is tilted back produces rear standard tilt while levelling the dropped
bed to horizontal. Using the drop bed for these movements comes at
the cost of limiting or preventing some front standard movements.
Another limitation with many press cameras is that bellows extend
outward from the back and with short lenses, the bed may be visible
in the image, unless it is dropped. Having to drop the bed may interfere
with front standard movements that you might like to use. Woodfield
and monorail designs are often much friendlier to wide lenses by allowing
more flexibility in where the standards are placed relative to their
Another serious limitation
of press camera designs is that many have a stationary back--the back
cannot be adjusted for horizontal or vertical orientation relative
to the camera case. With a design that provides liberal front movements,
reorienting the camera and back by turning the entire unit
90° provides framing flexibility, but most press cameras have
limited front movements, so, for example, held for vertical framing,
you could have very little rise/fall which would come using the front
shift movement.
Since most press cameras
are old, bellows can leak light, older shutters can be inaccurate
and unreliable, and older lenses can be uncoated and be scratched,
have separated elements and fungus that damages lens surfaces. Later
models are less likely to present these problems.
Graphics were made from 1912 through 1973. The most common models
are the Anniversary, Pacemaker and Super Graphics. Pacemaker models
have back (no forward) tilt, generous rise and fall, and modest shift
on the front standard. The only back standard movement is a fixed
back tilt, described above. The Super/Super Speed Graphics adds generous
front swing and a rotating back to the featureset. Both Pacemaker
and Super Speed Graphics have Graflok (international) backs that accept
sheet film and rollfilm holders and Polaroid backs.
Pacemakers were produced
in Century (2 1/4 x 3 1/4
only) with a molded plastic body, and Crown and Speed models with
wood/metal bodies. The Speed Graphic has a focal plane shutter in
addition to the between-the-lens shutter on the front standard. Pacemakers
have articulated case and bed rails which allowed them to focus while
the front standard is within the case. This allows them to focus short
lenses better than the other Graphics. Crowns have a shallower case
that allows them to focus shorter lenses. Barrel (shutterless) lenses
can be mounted on the Speed. Earlier Pacemakers had Kalart rangefinders;
later Pacemakers had top-mounted Graflex rangefinders; the Super Speed
had a rangefinder integrated in the top of the case. The later Pacemakers
and the Super Speed usually had fresnel focusing screens. The focusing
screen/frame on Graflok back can be removed and it is possible to
swap in a Cambo/Calumet screen/frame and mount a Cambo reflex finder
on most Graphics.
At about 4.5 lbs, the
Super/Super Speed Graphic comes close to the definition of a metal
field camera, besting the lighter Horseman HD and Toyo 45CF in some
Notes on 2 x 3 vs. 4 x 5
Burke and James
(B&J). The B&J 4 x 5 D model has a metal case, rise
and fall (drop bed), shift and generous forward and backward tilt
on the front standard. The back rotates and has rear tilt, via the
drop bed, but does not have an international back, so can use only
4x5 sheet film holders and rollback adapters with thin film gates
(e.g., not Graphic, Horseman, Wista-type holders).
The Pressman D has an all metal case, rotating back, and rise, shift
and tilt on the front standard; back standard is limited to back tilt
using the drop bed. The Pressman D does not have an international
back, so has the same film limitations as the B&J Model D.
Most of the more compact
large format designs have limitations in movements and when purchasing
equipment and choosing equipment to carry into the field weight and
bulk are often considerations to balance against movement limitations.