is an older version of the Descriptions page. I've left it active because
there might be some information here not included in the new version,
though this version is not as current. |
Used: $150-200 |
Graphic View cameras here are those of aluminum alloy construction in
a monorail design. Graflex offered an earlier Crown View in a wooden
flatbed design. The Graphic View was made from 1941-49 and the Graphic
View II, from 1949-67. An unusual design feature is the inverted V monorail
design that houses a rack; the standards are moved with a pinion on
the bottom of the standard that engages this rack. Also fitted is a
pan head that mounts anywhere on the monorail.
The original Graphic View had
base tilts; these were changed to center tilts on the Graphic II. Front
rise/fall is controlled by a rack; there is no direct rear rise/fall.
Rise is generous to deal with most architectural work, but shift and
swing movements are modest when compared to newer monorails. Bellows
extension is 12" on the Graphic View and 15" on the View II.
Backs are reversible and can be any of three styles--Graflex, Graphic
('spring'), or Graflok--
. If you are unfamiliar with the different capabilities of each, you
may want to study my page
describing the details of Graflex/Graphic backs, since these dictate
the kinds of film holders you can use. Lens boards are standard 4"
square x 1.5mm aluminum plates with a cast light trap. A special adapter
is available that accepts Graphic lens boards, which is very handy if
you have a 4 x 5 Crown, Speed or Super Graphic.
The Graphic View II with pan head
without lens weighs in at just under 8 pounds; the Graphic View with
shorter bellows and rail is a few ounces less. Outfits may come with
a Vulcanoid case that holds the camera inverted. I've created my own
lightweight shoulder bag from a midsized insulated food bag that came
with a plastic liner and handy shoulder strap.
These are frequently offered with
a 127mm f /4.5 Ektar, a sharp lens, but on the wide side for
4 x5--about like a 35mm lens on a 35mm format. This lens has limited
coverage for this format and allows for no movements. The 203mm
f /7.7 Ektar is also a frequent companion of Graphic Views and will
be a better choice if you want to explore movements. The 203mm can be
paired with a 100mm or 135mm Wide Field Ektar or 90mm or 120mm Angulon.
Summary: A good choice as a basic
monorail, particularly attractive when teamed with a Super Graphic,
with which it can share lenses.

Pocket View Monorail
From $725-$1025 w/o lens |
Gowland's Pocket View competes with the Toho as the lightest of monorails,
and more generally large format designs, with full movements. He currently
offers several versions that vary primarily in the movements they support
and in back design. He has also licensed his design to other manufacturers.
Most Pocket Views have full movements
on the front; back movements vary by model. Backs are generally reversible
and vary in the kinds of film holders they support. There are several
options for the frame that carries the lensboard on the front standard.
This is not a precision monorail,
but when set up it is solid and it has an outstanding combination of
movements for a camera so small and light. When paired with lightweight
lenses, you can have a LF outfit that weighs no more than a 35mm SLR
My only reservation is that the
light weight tapered bellows does not easily support movements in lenses
shorter than 100mm, but there is a bag bellows option that solves this
problem, albiet at some additional weight and bulk.
Some versions of the Pocket View
are made for the 6x9 format. Weight is 3-4 pounds, priced between $950
and $1225 depending on features. See my full review
in addition to the external view linked on the right. |
4x5 Monorail Kit
About $300 w/o lens |
Photographic makes a cherry wood 4x5 monorail kit for about $300. You
get precut cherry parts, brass screws, Delrin knobs for movement adjustments,
a 22-inch bellows and an 11-inch monorail. It uses a 4x4 lens board
and has a reversible, but not a G-back, limiting it to a subset of rollback
adapters. An optional bag bellows is available for about $35 and a 22-inch
rail and a 2x5 panoramic adapter are each about $20. The Bender monorail
has full movements on both standards and the range of movement is likely
to surpass most wood field models.
The Bender Web site describes
needing minimal woodworking tools and simple techniques as being required
to build the camera. The site also has several pages to help you understand
what you are getting into and answer presales questions. I haven't seen
the printed instructions, but judging from their well-designed Web site
and the long life of this product, I expect that they are good. They
also provide phone support to builders with questions and problems.
This appears to be a solid alternative
to the wood field cameras from SE Asia. See the Bender site FAQ for
a comparison of their design to flatbed field cameras. The camera weighs
about 3 pounds and appears to have a collapsed size which is about the
same as a 4x5 flatbed. |
Bender |
Kodak Master View
Used: $150-250 with Kodak Ektar or Wollensak lens |
Kodak made wooden view cameras of different sizes for decades; post WWII,
they made a metal 4x5 view camera that they later sold the manufacturing
rights for to Calumet, so you may find essentially the same camera with
either trademark. These are about the same vintage as Graphic Views, slightly
heavier and bulkier than the Graphics, at about 10 pounds. There were
several models, but most seem to have minor differences, except the Wide
model that has a shorter bellows and a recessed front standard. Standards
are mounted in a U structure with center tilts. Focusing is done on a
round chrome rail with friction knobs and a tripod block can be moved
on the rail with a knob. Front rise/fall is with a geared mechanism of
similar design to the Graphic View; there is no direct rear rise/fall.
The Kodak/Calumet has a true revolving back with a bale that allows film
holder insertion that is a little less intrusive than the Graphic View,
but this isn't a Graflok back and therefore can accommodate a more limited
variety of 120 rollholders. |
4x5 Models
$350-500 with Kodak
Ektar or Commercial Ektar |
and Cambo, a Dutch manufacturer, have marketed a model that has had
several designations--N, MX, SC--but share a basic design. One of these
models is shown above. Standards are mounted on a U-design with generous
rise/fall on four tubes that extend up from the rail mount, which uses
a 1-inch square aluminum tube of about 18-inches, where the tripod mount
also resides. Rotating international backs are common on these models,
though some models have reversible backs. Non-tapered bellows design
contributes to generous range of movements which are well calibrated.
Most have removable bellows, allowing for the use of a bag bellows.
While there is intelligent use of aluminum and composites, because they
are solidly built they weigh about 10 pounds. This may cause you to
feel that they are more at home in the studio than the field, but they
are also very welcome when doing architectural work because of their
range of movements.
These are well designed, well
manufactured cameras and many are available. Because of the availability
of accessories, they are a good step up from basic monorails. |
Cambo Explorer
New: $550 w/o lens |
Cadet/Explorer is an entry level offering with full movements. Built on
L-brackets that support center pivots, adjustment is not sophisticated
but reportedly reliable. The Cadet has a G-back for flexible film choice.
Bellows extension on the standard model will accommodate 75-305mm lenses;
a cheaper bag bellows version allows lenses from 47-150mm. Many accessories
for more expensive Calumet and Cambo cameras can be used with the Cadet. |
$1400 w/o lens
Toho FC-45X may be the world's lightest monorail, with full movements,
at just over 3 pounds. It has full movement of both standards, with base,
rather than axial tilts; 360mm bellows extension; and what is effectively
a reversible back, though in this case the entire camera is shifted 90°
on the rail clamps. The back has a bale to minimize camera movement during
film holder insertion, but this is not a Graflok back, and it won't accept
'fat' rollholders. It uses its own proprietary design round lens board,
but will accept standard Linhof/Wista lensboards. Kerry Thalmann has used
the FC-45X extensively and has a very complete use test, with copious
illustrations that you can read at the first Review link at the right.
Kerry's reservations, though for him not serious ones, were in the design
of the lensboard and the need to completely reorient the camera on the
rail clamps to change image orientation. A dedicated large format photographer,
the limitation in using only "thin" rollholders was not significant
to him, but it is to me and may be to others. Toho also makes an FC-45
Mini model with stationary back standard and a simpler monorail for about
$1100. |
Less than $700 w/o lens |
Toyo 45CX is its entry level monorail. Its general topology is that of
the other Toyo monorails, but the 45CX uses polycarbonate and lightweight
alloys to reduce weight, and presumably cost. The standards are of a U-shaped
design that allow center pivots. It has interchangeable bellows, a reversible
G-back and can use other Toyo accessories. About 8 pounds and under $700,
without lens. |
Badger (importer) |
A1 |
is described on the Large Format Photography site as a now discontinued
$850 monorail. The LFP site editor notes that the F1 is similar, but
as of 05/05, the American distributor does not list the F1 as a current
model. The F2 is available from B&H at about $2450. Those contemplating
a Sinar should read Hamish Reid's review, linked at the right.
T2 |